Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

The Table. Rejoyce intha thrivingoftRe Gofpdl. Hdpe Cbrifl: into hisThrone. How Chrifts KirJgdome is_erelted and ' tainedwithin us.. ' Defend Chrifts right :md be toyaii. 1 Motives tobe loyaU to Chrift. S. Tbe Chriftian Rau. 368 379 main- " 3-7l. 374 376 r Cor.9,~4. so ru1t th~t you may ob taint. Where i5 Jhewtd, The fimilitude, and reafon of it 3f0 That every Chriftian muft run. 3-f4 Ourlife in five refpelts is a race. 3 SS' Reafon! why we muft run this race. 3 )7 livm our whole life,and not atthecnd only.Jf9 Whoconccitnotarig~t of Chriftian profcf&ion. . 361 Motives to run as we ought. 361. DireCtions then:umo,and prep1rttion. 364 Hinderanccs to be removed. 3 &~ Helpes in running the Cluifii'ln race. 367 Conditions ofrunningaright five. 3.69 The right marke we mufi run at. ; 70 The ngb cway in whieh we muff run. 37 r The right foot wherewith we muft run. 373 The righunotion,humble, checrefull, confianr. The right end of running twofold. The reward ofrunning , no merir. How to runne and obtaine. Looke not b.:~cke. Refpcchhe way, and not by.. marter!• R:encw ftrength continually, and how. Encouragements'thus to run. 374 379 38Z. 384> ;86 387 390· 393 Excellency