Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

How to further' 5'· Ttrrenaomand hee that gathered leffe, had no want. Fiftly, make thy telfe thine owne fri end,by laying up a good foundation in good works, nia, q1t..e fervandoamiuimus, largiendo {trvamus Greg. • 2 Cor.9.d. 2. by an hopefull and liberall feed- . time: for he that foweth [paringly, I foali reape [pt~ringly : and by · workes of mercy further both ; thy reckoning, and reward of ! mercie: All which bleffing and I reward they w ilfuHy depri~e ~ .the.mfelves of, who nehher for their MaO:ers hoooar ,_ nor the good of their fe1lo\v-fervants, no · nor for heaven. and falvation it felfe, will part with any thing_; bur in fiead of blefiing lay up judgement mercileffe for them- , felves,lhewing nomerde. I - So oft he firO: meanes. Secondly, ufe riches to ferve God with more cheerfulnejfe, _ and with a good heart in the l midfl of ~bundance. A rich man I \ may have more freedome to en-~ joy the word, more time for meditation