Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

ditation, prayer, reading, and godly conference ; :\V hich time and fpare houres the poore want, who are bound to their daily la- - bour; and mull: not bee fpeBt by the rich in riot,in lufis,in gaming and idleneffe , .but in doubling their meafure of grace, and labour in the meanes ofgrace,reading, hearing, praying, medita-· dng f0 much the more, as G·orl bath freed the·n1 from the inceffant labour, care and travell of · others. For,ifthou hail: fo many fpare houres, thou mufi give account whether thou art richer in grace,according to the proportion ofthofe houres, than thofe that have no fuch releafe frotn their labour. But in fiead hereof, how have the things of the · world thrufr in upon many, to take up their thoughts,to unfetle guod refolutions, to re fiG: good motions and duties, to iu ll:le out the courfe of fruitfull converfing ·j , with .