Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

How t9further with God ! Oh what hnrthave their fou1es fufl:ained in all thefe particu 1ars! ~· Thirdly> draw out of thefe outwatc! things a fpirituall ufe: for elfe the beafls ufe them as fruit£~1-ly as '\vee. For example : when I fee my felfe or others fo intent to treafure in earth, I muft . turne mine eyes upward, and fay to my felfe, Alaife, what am I doing t I profe{fe my felfe chofe_n, and called out of the world, that 1am a citizen of heaven, that I am rifeo with Chrift, &c. and muftI drowne my thoughts in earth,and not feeke things above} · I profeife the pure religion, which keepeth it felfe unfpotted of the world·: and being called out of the world, I m\uft in the world lookeforafflitl:ifm which ever att endeth the eh ufing of the better part: I mu!l: not now live after the courfofthe world,as in times pall: :I am crucified to the vJorld