Riches unpro{itable,h9w. 19 r better a mans perfon, ·why ·have : the worft moft £tore of them? , how is it that my Lord Efou goeth flrutting with foure hundred men at his heeles, and poore ]4co6 comes creeping and crouching unto him? why doth Plutr~eoh fit on the throne,and his lufl: is his law, and c.Mofls and Aarsn humble fuiters unto him? why doth Nafull abound in fttperfluitie, and David become his petiti- ~ oner for fame reliefe f why are falfe prophets fet up at Je~~t!Jels ) table, and ElitU the meane time I in commons w·ith ravens ? Or if they were fo profitable to better a mans perfon, why did not Chrill: fuirniili his Difciples with them ? why did hee forbid them ·to poffeffe gold or filver r why muft J~tdfls have the bagge, while Peter faith, ·GoldandJilver lMve I none} · 2. Though they can tbusfarre 2 • better a mans ~utw.a.rd erilate in temporalls,