Riches unprojitab./e,how. temporalls, that hehath what to eate and .drinke, and put on n1ore than othets, which not onely . .re men1enjoy in fome good meafure , but the very brute bea.f.l:s themfe1ves alfo: Yet what can they profit a mans inward efi:ate? can a jew~ll buy faith, or .rep~ntance., or pardon of finne .! c~n cloathes of gold ge·t a fui,t . from God, or the fpirit of God, · or the hearing ofprayer.? n1y, d~-, not riche~ rather hinder all thefe? Thirdly, thv.ugh they feeme :to profit a man for a ti1ne, yet when hee bath mofl neede of them, they faile him; and prove .mofi unprofitable, and either fly away as very vagrants, or,ifhee hold them in his hand, and leane on them)they become-very reeds, which breake and pierce the · -h~nd that holds. them• . See fome l · , Fidl, in time of danger, and · 1 Ciods -