RicheJ unprojit able, Zeph.t.IS.Silver andgold &llna not dtlivtr in the day of the Lords »'rllth: nay ,they are fo.farre then froin being helpes, as they are heavie burdens to the pwners, as E:Gct 7. I 9. The rich man flnll caft hu filver awaj, and hu gold j foa!l6e farre off: nay, the greater r his w.ealth is, the greater plague, the greater griefe, and fpoile awaites him : as a tre.e that h'\th thicke and large boughs, every man de fires to lop him. And hoVv many nave wee knowne overthrowne by the fineneffe oftheir garments, w ha if they J1ad had a .lhorter traine, had in likely hood fl:ood out many yeares longer ! · Remember that Riches have · wing.r: under which let the Ma- . \ fier bide him(elfe awhile (as eja. . 2 8. I 5 .) making falihood hu refuge, an~ .hiding liimfelfe under , vanitie : yet with thefe wings will they fly _away, uk~ a runna- ' gate fervant when his Mafrer · y,, hath .. I • t