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in whiet cafeJ. 19) hath mo!l: need of him. Secondly, in titne offickneffe 2 • they are unprofitable. The honourable Garter cannot cure the gowt, nor the Chaire of EA:ate eafe the collicke, nor a Cro\vne Pat~olouo remove the head•ac_!le.Can aman afPerna?Ur,j, by all his wealth buy a good ·rog~vitnrt~­ nights £leepe? can it help him to qtlidca[,-zm~ a <~ood fl:omacke ? or free him of tates,morbgJ e . . . aut mortCIJI ne (h ~ ~ m- ~~ rn '"P ~t of .an ~~licre . ·. int? hy.mer. I i,)e