in what cafes. 197 c;pcn the grave , and fee if tholi '4 can!l: difcerne · a difference bet\veen the rich and poore : tell me if the wormes £pare either of both:but if the living be wronged ~y cofl: about embalming' ena tombing, or the like, it is but a corpe~ fii11, no fwe~ter to God, if not f weetned by the embalming 'and buriall ofChrif.l:. . FifclY., .at the qay of judgment . S • th~ whole ~ world cannot profit ~ , man,being thenfet on a light fire; then iliall gold and filver,and pie- . cious fl:oncs, and common fiones be all one: the Judge will not be corrupted,nor can cau[es be.. gilded, nor fentence pronounced according to our wealth in goods or lands, but according to our ti~t>non opes (unt, fed graces,& riches in good workes: 'Uirtu:c1 This will be then the only profi- qua& (emm table ~realth ; not gold in our amfc. emi~ chefis but faith and pietie in our portal,ut m. .' perpttttum confctences, ihall avayle us :and, dives fiat not that \VC had abundance, but Bem. • K 3 that