Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

' ( The foale apreciom thing. to "Wsll,even that whichGod wil- · leth, nor refieth it in any thing of this life, nor is contented \Vith , any thing below· , but w illeth principa11y things beyond the fight,ble£fednelfe and happine!fe, and refpetteth good efiimation . after death ; and fo arg~:~eth it owne immortalitie , as God is immortall:4 f~tcu/tie of co~tfcience, that . ftands in awe to fin though i'ione looke on , or citeth the perfon before Gods tribunall,as BelP,av::.errandFelix who tremblt'd. · It bath likewife all his operations above fenfe , to love G 0 D; feare God, beleeve ir1 God , embrace Religion, meditate' on heavenly things :with an aptneffe to proceed in the kno\vledge of God, whieh other inferior creatures cannot doe. 3. Behold it in the end of it:- it was not made for the body,but the body for the foule, and, not one1y to be the ra!Jcr'l.~cle of the foule