Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

· Et'i'!J that httrt rhe fott!e. fouleto dwell in, butt~ inflru- .ment ofthefoule tow~r.ke by:for. the foul e. tye,d to the body cannot put forth his faculties without . organs and fenfes ofthe body, to exprdfe love. and dutie unto God. But, the primarie and proper end of the-divine fou1e is ·, to. live to God in this life, and with :God in the life to come. Fou.rrh1y, behold it as redee- i~ ::med by.Chrifi,and created again . to Gods irn~ge. What a price did ;God and Jetiu ChrifF fet upon it ?'what more precious than the . blood ofhim that was -God? The :. ·ranfom.e oft he 'foule 1null: be, a · bove all corrupti61c thing .r >I c'JYet. 1.18. Al[o as it. .is fantl:ified by the Spirit: what can bee comparable to his unmatchable graces? ·. no pearles are to be compared to ~ wifdome,toprecious faith,to the . feare·ofGod which is a rich treal" · fure. And if the. hangings bee fo pJecious,\vhat mav we.thit1ke of . f the roome? K ) . Then