E7.·ils that hurt the Joule • . ter thefe tranfitorif's which drowne the [O'ulc in perditir;n, 6v;;i~gqt. ~ r Tim. 6. 9. Hnvv caretuU wilt a man bee of fa11i -}g into a whir le,- pit, where if g.c,od he·1pe cotne ilot in time, hee is fure to be~ drowned ? it is the word there ufed: noting a certaine danger ofdrowning in a\.vell or pit: and . · fu-ch a danger as coverou -~ rich men (eldotne Ot' never get out of. · · 3.Beware offalfe doctrine, er- 3• . rours , and herefies againfr tbe truth received, which are the l'oyfon and plague of the foule. A man would not for a world drinl<e.a draught of l\'O}'fon: and . afa·refull Chnft.iat1 will nllt wil- · ·limgly drin~-in any poyfo.ned or · inf~&e.d do~r-ine., which is inlt)co nitely more deadly to the ioule, · than the other to the body. 4.B.ew.areof-all fione,but efpe· cia11y .of fit'ls againft confcience) which ate .caUed ·wafti.ng .jirmes; and