Evils that hurt the- Joule. ~------- and of David, prevailing finnes, Pf"'· 1 9·! 1 3. Prefumptuous fins makegreat gaihes in the fou·Ie:no ·fword can fo gafh. and cleave the body. Who wou-ld not avoid a.. mortall wound from-a keene and mortall weapon? Ev.ery finne is a, mortall wound, but the.fe farre more defperate and incurable. Againe, is the foule fo precious ? then , the murder of the -foule is the moll: horrible finne that·cai1 be :-to defi:roy the body of a n1an ·, is. to defi:roy Gods.. i1nage :yet 3 greater finne to de- . .firoy his foul e. Ah fear.efuU finne, of non-relideAcie, which de-/ flroyeth fo many fonleslfor if vi-\ a/f~· fi6nfa.i,l~, ptople mitft perijb, Prov; 1 &. in. 29.1 8. The careleffe neglect ofl . qtti f.o 1na!>ly foules as are unde.r our.. . fn~~e- ~harg~, is a ·fearefu11, ar:td unre- ' & . · garded'liflne. Nature-reacheth to,/1 tfl.fltti prevent .. death and mifchiefe ap~ from :the bodif'S of·all ' that are- • Bem. . h. b n cam•. · .. ,Wt: 10 . OU.f g.~~tes, . evet1 eatcs-l . themfelve.s : 1 . h-....,.....~~---~....,..,.,~~--..-~~- ~·