A great worketo faveJoules. 205 themfehres :, and fhall wee do no more for our brethren and bowelJs, than for our beafis ? Never a.. fou]e thou fiandefl: charged wid~ all, hur_jf_-if mifcarry by thy default, thy· life· fball goe for hu life: fee 1 King~20 '. 39. and E~r~~ 3'· J 8. On-the other fide, is the foule fo precious ? then the faving.ofa foule is one of the beft and high- foule~, a efl:~workes ot mercy ,and {ha~l re-· ·' ~~;e~ .cetve the befr·reward: to fozne 114· ture and the flarreJ in the Ji'rmamenttJfhca.. . wonh. ven, Dt~n,. 1 2. 3. How lhould :this fiirre up the Mini1l:ers to diligence in preaching, . fo to feede . and fave fou1es? The gaining· of , one· foule is above the gaine of t-he world • Therefore as the Lords nourfes be ever laying out your breafl:s,and afford the. Lords· children his owne provifion, in the word and· facratnents: laoour to bring. them· to . faith,' by .·vvhich .they receive · th~ food : · and