Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

A great n;orke to ja1. :e {ouleJ. , and pray for the fpirit, by whofe I heat it is digefied and turned into the nouriiliment of the foule. _ How {hould it excite l}arents and Mafl: ers to tender the precious foules of their children and fervant s, to winne them to God by infituClion, counfell, prayer, fxample, e-very way helping them out of fin ne? The chiefe love and care fhonld bee fet on that, w·hich is mofl: precious. 1 Bnt great is the finne of mDLl: ) men, who no more regard the 1 fou1es of their children and fer- _vants, than if they had no foules · · at a11. How fl1omld it O:irre mp able men to fet up and ho1d up the Miniilery every v.rhere, according to their power, which is the higheft: \vorke of mercie tending to fave foule-s? Ordinarily rich men at their death -give (if any thing) t:o hofp~taUs, or worke~;