Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

A great lPQrke to fave foul~s. 207 workes of~h~i~ie to th"e p~~re. And thefe workes of tnercy to .. the bodies of men, being fruits of faith, are worthy evidences of the power of the Gofpell, anJ foa/1 n~t want their r£ward, .bfat. 10. 42. But if any tnan would r,unne at the befi prize, and doe a worke of trueil: mercie,doe it to mens f(Jules, provide for their eefi.!ld mQrt · • nrere carmllru£bon ·' get them food for mm, their foules, and the cloathing of qutm Chrifl:s righteoufneffe : this is wrli. qu eft . the 6ttter part,( Luk.! I o-.~2.) t? mo~:ntz {hew m·ercy to the more prect- ~mm ous part : the faving of o~e rt_m· !r:tY'.f.·Hili1 foule is a more happie worke than the provifi.on of a thoufand bodies :that mull:_ bee done, and . this not t1egletted. , Mort:how careful1hould every ·. one befor hi-s owne foule,,vhicb is here prized at fo deare a rate? all other things ofprice we are charie of: for ou·r bodies \Ve are exceffively carefull,both .r.o fre-e them