--------------------~- Agteat WJrke tiJ {a1...'e Joules. them · from ·annoyance, and fupply theJn with abundance of good t-hings_: how much more. would we doe fo for-our fou!es, ., if wee prized them above our bodies? but generall is th ·~ folly. of th.1-t f{)9le in the GofpeU, Luk! J 12 . 20. who provided for every 1 thing but bis poore foule. Confider: even in this life the. we1fare oF thy body depends on tl1e good efbte oft by foule: and . r~rurnrPW.tvon if the foule bee \veil providedamma for, and faved, rhe body is fure to . ~) J be faved too.Rememberthe procorp~ mife, . Exr;d. ~ 3· 25. Ifthou ele~- amma · ejt, veft to the Lord, hee foa//6/e.fJe thJ bryf.de 6read. and thy water, and tttk! l!lH lapji, Jit·~ejfo from the midftJ r;.f thee. And the keeping ofthe words of· wifdome is ltfe to thofo that finde tbem, and he~lth to their fltfo, Prov~· 4· 22. Hence the godly in death were ever and one)y carefun of their foules: · a9 Steven.j· (AEl. 7. 5'.) C HHm&nd~d hi! fottle ' ' ' inttJ ..