Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Eflau ef aJoule loft. · 209 --- into the h~endJ of GtJd :and. ChrHl:, himfelfe, his [pirit into the hAnJs of hi& FAthtr, (Luk! "3·46.) not mentioning their bodies :- they knew one cure .implyed the other. Lafily, note the madnetfe of -MUflde S~ · d 1 . h . r. l a ntue men un erva umg t etr 10U es, to lofe the and exchanging them for an hand- foule for full of earth, when indeed the the world. world cannot profit them after this lotfe. Once .Ad~~m and all his · fonnes exchanged an _innocent · ·_ eftate for afinfull and miferable : : and fo it is fiill. And with the prodiga11 fonne, wee f'orgoe wil- :lingly our fathers favour for harlots and harlotrie, our fathers houfe for a {l:range country, our fathers bread for huskes. What an extreme folly this is, appeareth thus : lay a man the wealth ofaKingdome,a Crow ne, and ail the world in his hand for his life, he will not forgee it at any hand, but will readily fay, what will aU