Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

210 .. EjlateoJfajOulelojt. all this doe mee good when I am dead i hee is wife to ell:eeme his life at ·a.n higher rate than the whole· world, becaufe all the world c~not reeompence or ma·ke up his loffe. But offer him a·morfell of unjufr gaine, or a flight umlawfuU and !l:olne ·p1eafure for his foule, hee makes a . prefent exc.hao~ .: Ah feely man, · whofe foule· is fo fmaUa moate in thine eye, w.hich a thau.fai1d worlds ofmen and Angels coul.d not redeettie l God fet it at the higheR: rate : and the divell would give a whole world for one foule ,: but thou counteR it . not worth any thing. Hell fua11 be filled with foules at a cheaper rate,than one foulc can get to heaven by. SD ofche firll:meditation. Do8. 2. , The fecond is this: }'or 11/ojf Joule there u Ho remedy nor recompence:a/1 the world cannot redeem a Lo.ftfoule:for afoule not yet qnite , loft, ·