Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

------------------~--------~ 214 Soule irrecot·erable, how. it : their very being is a puniiliment. I!. Next, what is it, that makes the. fo~He, once loft, irrecove-i rable? 1. An invincible wicked and hard heart, fetled upon fia, aud I. r· fendi ng Ollt all CU tfed praClifes of lying , fwearing , defpighting j grace in the means and bringers, J crueltie ,- injufl:ice, vaine confil detace,and all manner offin. They I that doe.fuch things, are .tbut out 1 ofrhe ktngdome of God, a·nd of / Chrill:, I. Cor.6.9. Ga/.5. 2 I .For 1 fuch bewray themfelves give_H up Rom. 1 • 18. · ofGod to tt rtpro/;ate minde, c~t/­ Ef.q'.lo. ling good e:vill,and dark.._ne./Je- light; 1 Tim.4.t. w ho!e c.onfcieFJces are fla-red ar. gainfi: all goads and prickings of the word : no counfeli or adm<r nition to.ucheth tbem, nor trou- .bleth them :. all the threats and menaces of the law are to them as iron-weapottS · tp Behemoth, efteemed ~ fb;-a.lY. J:l~r-~ is ~ -m~n In