' ] s (Jt~le irrecoverahle,how. · in aloil eftate. 1udtU is a 1ollfon 1 of perdition : how know you 1 him ? all-the counfels and admo. nitions of Chri(t are loft upon him, nothing work-es upon him 1 for reformation :·'and obfi:inate Phart~ob will be broken all to pieces, before the powerfull mi- .nifi:erie of M1[es and A11ron can bend him. If we meet with fuch knottie pieces, on whom in vaine wee breake many wedges; who, if MoftJand A~ron were immediately fent with as many miracJes as meffages, or ifChri!l: himfelfe in perfon ihould per[wade with them,yet fbll would remaine obftinate,alas, what remedie! who can fave alofi: man ? a man that will not bee faved? A man.that chufeth death, muftdye.: he will not live. · 2. This a1fo makes the loA: foule irrecoverable, for that it hath trod under foot the blood J · of/