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andof' eh rift. · ofgloYJ, P[a/.24. 7· And Chrifi is ~ faid to bee taksn ~tp · into glory , 1 Tim.j.t6. namely~by his Father: for we muft conce-ive God not onely g1orivus b}' his natNrt, in himfelfc, but the fountaine alfo ofall that glorious life and motion which is commNNic~tted with · any ofhis cre~tures. 3. Becaufe, as all glory u frffm him, fo all is · due 11nt1 him : w horn therefore his Sonne glori~ed, and wee ·ought al(o to glo~j fie. But was not t}}fs glory Chrifl:s cwne ~in \vhich he iliall appeare! Anfw. Yes: for, con!ider him as the Son ne of God,. he was of -equ_~U glory-with hrs F-ather in all eternitie :Job, 17. 5. Glortfte me with thine o"Wne folfe, with the ·glory which I had with thee before · the -world-waJ: And his incarnati-0n abated nothi ng of that glory. And, confider him as the fou ofman,. and me<;iiator , 1. hee is -worth) ofall glory by the def'ert and t.Whether it be not Chrifts . own glor~.