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26o . -Glory ofGed, and ofchrift. and merit ofobedience, Rev. 4· · t I. infomuch that hee pleadeth with his Father for his glorification, hect~tufo hte.ht~d glorified. him l. one~rth,Joh. J 7·4·5. -a. All g1o~ ry is due unto him as the fonne of man, by the donation of his Father. M.ft.z8.I8. All power id , given unto. me in hc~even and in : eltrth : So as it is Chrifts owne gJory,as the ~on ne ofman; as that . is a m~ns owne, which is given . him. Ther~fore in Mat. z~. 3 I ~ the phrafe is changed : Chrift challenge rh it to bee -his owne glory :»'hen the fonne of m~en commeth in hi.t glorJ. But yet in fpeaking of himfelfe, a~ on the one hand he advanceth that great majefl: ie hee fhaU--appeare in; fu on the other he forgetteth not to referre all that glory t0 his Father : which may bee a glaffe held beam be re· fore our eyes ' that -when ""et JPeak.; of our.felvn, or ltnJ endowment or gift belongingto oHr folvu, we