Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Glory oj'Chrifts fterfon,&c. 26 I wee fo JPellkt of it and fo u{e it , tU ' · fliU our e1e 6e fixed on .Godsglor7, from whom ~tnd for whom -wee hAve received it. WhenChrHl: ihall appeare in fuch glory as never creature was capable of, nor can be, then {hall he mofl ·ofall advance the glorie of his Father. But contrarily'· -when God mofi honours fome men , they moll: forget his honour : fo they may advance them~ felves, they Jitlc Care hO\\T his g1ory bee troden under foot. Happie is that -man, \V ho is fo faithfull in thefe frnall things , as that the Lord fhall be then occa· fioned to trufl: him with much. · But wherein fhall this glorie appeare? . \ _. Partly in his. ~e~fon , · part~y in 3,Wherein · hu office :botb for {preparation, Chrilb execution. glory at I. In hisperjo11' he fhall be ad- : cdhe Jaft 6 · . ) ay con t• ~anced above all the. glory of al~ )fteth. the Judges ·and Pnitces of the 1 • · · earth;