Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

261 G/()ry ofChrijfs earth .; w bether w-ee cpn.Gder his divine nan1re or b!Hn4n~. For the former: hee ··fhall .bee ~ manifef~ to be the mighty God: for .howfoever hee fh~JI exercife his judiciary power vifibly, and appeare the fonne of man , yet' 1hal1 hee be might,ily dec·lared ro be the Sonne of God; in that the perfonall union of his nvo natures fl1alllhine out as the Sunne in his firength, \V h1ch before \Vas vailed and ob feu red. And for his humane nature, he fuaU be therein exalted in glorie as' the head of his Church ; that even his glorious body fhall carrie fuch maje!He \Vith it, and be feene in fi1ch admirable brightnelfe, a~ that the fi.tnne vwrhich dazelleth our eyes .., can .fcarce refemble if. For iftlu j~tf/~~tllfoin~ in the g/t;ry which .lhall obfcure the Sunne in the Firmament,how fuall their jullifier lhine·in glory ? And if his Attendants iliaJ! . ~ · · · · · he