Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

perfon, and offict. • to behold the glory of the Jea{l ,of -Vtlut be fo glorioas , as no man ·is able I them _, what and how glorious inter ig~ts mufi he .he, who' {hall fo farre Lun41fllM· furpaife them all put together, as tcs. the Sunne doth the leffer il:arres in brightne!e? z. If we confider his high DjJice, 2~ we fhall behold hitn as the Jrift Judge of all the world , clothed · with all the robes ofglory and tnaje!l:ie ; fuch as fl1all well fuit (with the throne ofhis glory,and fuch as fha ll tit hitn to the great \Vorke in hand. How glorious -and magnificeqt was the giving ofthe Law·? and how folemne the . preparation? the earthlhooke, the mountaines trembled, the Lord came downe in fire, and out ofthundrings, lightnings, and a tbicke cloud fou nded ·his trumpet fo lowd, as all tbepeopJe trembled and fhooke, and afterward ~a terrible voice was heard of fix hundred