Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

2~4 G/oriompreparation hundred thoufand men belide women and children; yea in fuch glory appeared the Lord on. tnount Sinai,that lrl•fes himfelfe faid, I qu11.fe! andfe{lrq. But wh<:;n the Lord Jefus [hall lhew himfelfe from heaven to . ~ judge the tranfgreffion of that law, his glory lhall not onely fl1lKC lJJOUnt Sinai,but the whole frame ofht: ave.n and earth a11 to \ piece~: when fire lhall not corn~ paffe one mountaine, but the whole world · iliall be fet on a light fire: when the lafi·truinpet fhall {{)und, 3nd not onelv the living lhall heare it as then·, but the dead and all th~'lt are in the graveJ-: I when the Lord o~glory with one _ 1 fh out fhall not r~tfe one man, as ' La~arUI, but ·all that ever have ~bee ne de~d , from · the firll: man to the laf.l: which hee fl1all finde ftanqing o_n-d1e earth. .Bnt to behold .more fpecially ~he · patti~J,d.ar rqbe.s and ray.es of 1 r.,· • · • : glaru . . . -1' '