Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

266 4· Divers 1 fortsof e· I vidences. I • . Gloriom preparation are ~/i~: .tbere c~n be no concealment of things from this allfeeing Judge. 3. Hee lb. all come covered with divine juftfce as a robe, which fi1al1 corifcntnd all the enemies of hill glory: Jer.z.t6. as a theefe u ~tfbame4 when he is taken in the manner,fo lhall all wicked doers. And there i~ no avoiding, no deluding·, or perverting the jufiice' ne~ther the proceffe or finall {entence , unieffe any mans power or policie were aoove his. , 4· Hee flu all come prepared withgloriom evidence and tefii- ~onie agaiMt all \vjcked men for their c<;>nvidion ; that therfhall not be able to implea~ th~ jufiice of.theJudge or judgment. For, Firft, hee ChaH have evidence. . and witne£fe iri their u-wne con2 I r ftie~e.t, . v{hich · fh~ll · thep 1\CCll~ ' 1 then1 to the Judge, ~ha 'their '