Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

·' to juigement. owne c0nfeffions fhali be as a thoufancl witneffes. Therefore (faith .Augujline) Doeft thou feare .the !aft judgment l reElifie th] confcience, and all.fha/1 he well. . . · Secondly, hee·thall command 2. · the ·creatures and elements abufed by their finnes, to give in evi... dence againfr them: Joh 20. 27. · The .heavens .fha/l revettle tNeir -wick§dnej[e, "'nd the earth foaN rift upag~einft them:all creatUres fhall ferve their Lord. _Thit:dly,the good Angc!J whom 3• they have in their kinde grjeved and driven away from them by , their fin, fhall witne!fe aga-inft them.And the'»'tck_ed .tfngels who Incen,tO'ItSI were firO: in tempting, iliall then ' ulpu : bee fir£1: in a.._ccuftng, aMd firfl: in to~es in tormenting. nu. Fottrthly, the Scriptures of God ag~infi which they have finned, yea the word of mercy, the offer ofmercies ~ their abufe· of mttrcies~t!ln.e r.efifling ofmea·ns ,. N l of