Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Execution ofthe laft of grace and mercy, alUhall witneffe againfi ~hem .; not fo much to informe the J uq.ge, as to convince themfelves, .and promote .jufl:ice.. · 5• .Fiftly ,all their linnes'fhall \Vitne!fe againfi their authours and .patrones. £vn·7 ~niquitie h~tth hu mzumz- ftcret ~tnd fl!ll v11ice, . faith Gre· .ita&jecre- gory : but t11en it ihall have a ~{ttllsvo· .lowd voit:e• . B~od {hall crie, and 'habet I . f · · b ~e. · t 1e. votce o 1t nng etweene :g - heaven an.d earth: Oppreffion iball crie, ufury fbali crie, the wages o( hirefing~ and labourers ihall crie in the owne confcience. It cryes now, and thy confcience,if thou hafl: any, tells thee of thy w ickedne!fe in defrauding Gods fen"ants , his Minill:ers , and ' · ~hrifis mem ben of their right: but the vo!c.e w-ill not bee now heard .: but then it v;ill be heard, and thou fhalt heare it ; and thy gold and filver, and the rufl: of them fuall crie llgllinft thee' and never