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judgement,gloriotu. never be fiill ti11 they have cry·ed thee downe into_the pit, as 7-am; 5·3 ·4· ' ·, Sixdy ,_ if all other convidioq 6~ and witneffe .fhould faile,there is one more that will bee a fitreand infallible w itneffe , and that is God himfelfe: M~tl. 3· ~. who can abide the day of his ..comming ? for 6eh~-!J)I "¥Pill be a fwift witweffe againft: forc'erers, adulte.;. rers, falfe fwearers ; and all that feare not the Lord. Thus the j~dge is glorioufiy prepared. - _ And he ~all be as glorious in e~ecNtion, as in prtp~tration. For ia paffing a righteous fentence, and irrevocable, hee lhall fhine in furpaffing glory, bot~ in re- ··- fpetl ofthe {w ickeJ, _ godly. · J • Upon all the ungodly he fua1I I; get ·himfelfe agreater n~me, than ever he did upon Pharaoh; when· all the wicked Princes and peeN 3 pJe