Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

"7o · Executio11 of the • 1 ple that ever l~ved, ilial_l be_,cited I and affembled m the tw tnkltng of an eye, before his Tribunal), and .1.1 1. 1 in terrour ofhis prefence !hall fiie · tot he hils and moltntttincs to hide themfe/tves ; yea wryen all the powers and gates ofhe11,all wicked angels and men, iliall be by one word of his cafi out , and (Omtnanded out ofprefence, and ~on fined to .weir . prifon , never to mGle£1: him Gr his Church any more. l~· · 2. Inrefpetiofi!Jegodlj, hee lhall be marvel-5 I .to th~ Saints· lous at ·that day ,'"l: 2.ia the Saints. . To the ~Ainu:when they fhall behold him that.was betrayed, . . fpitted upon, qucified, pierced,. dead,buried,now advanced above all men and Angels., and crowned with honour above ·alJ that created nature is capable of. But in the Saints alfo hee fhall be marvellous : 2. TheJf.r.. I o. for when Chrifi who.isour 1ife,fhaltl app "