Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

lafl judgementg,loriom. appeare, 'We ~tl[D foallttppe~ere with him in glory, Co/,3·4· Firfi:, the members !hallparta·ke ofthe glory of ~he Head, that the Head may bee exalted in t~e glory of the members. Secondly , the· Saints fhaU adm.ire·, not only ftis glo:ty in himfelfe, but i~n· them- .. felves. How admirable wiU it be to f-ee themfdves1 who were in die world accounted the out::- fweeping·s, and drivenont ofthe w.orld witbobldqmie,contempt" fire and fword,yea who were but even ndw daA: arid alhes, newly 1 crept ont bf the !9rave and tottemteffe, fufuddainly to attarne that fi'llnes ofthe g:loty ofChrifr, in their fou~les artd bodies ! Ill their foules , fttcll' a wonderful} per feel ion of Gods ifnage, fuch deepe knowledge of the fecrets of heaven. and earth , fuch con"" formide in their wils unto God, clothed with fuchrrght'eoufneffe · I as God in his prefence-chamber · . N 4 is