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chrifls patience, ---------------- i~ delighted to behold. And theirwhole bodies changed, and arayed with immortalitie, incorruption, and made fpirituall bodies -Ilk! the gloriom 6odJ of J efus Chrifi. At:1d the whole man filled· with rivers ofpleafures at Gods rig-ht hand, and f wallowed up: with that happineffe w hieh ey~ bath not feene , nor ever entred into the earth ofnun. This glory have all the Saints, . in whom the glory pfChriftrin.his.appearing is complete. · 1 tl{t 1 Note hence the long-fuffering ~hrilh p... and patience of our Lord J efus ience to Chrift, who , for his Eleds fake n~rffd, is contented foJong to be hid,and· ~~ ers not lhew, himfelfe -in his glory b~ ~~~ ti11 the end ef the w·orld·; nay, hid. Hot onlyfuffers his-glory to bee vailed, but trampled on by the wicked; For, I. Now the heavens are as a11"' curtaine betweene him a;1d us, which then .lhall bee undrawne;. _ j _ that (