Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

a~ yet biding hug lory. that all eyes may behold him in a glorious bodily prefence , as the head ofhis glorious body. 2. He is now out of fight,and 2. ol:tt o( minde; not kno\VtJe, ·nor beleeved among the·- wicked,, who defpife his patience becaufe he theweth not himfelfe in terrour. 3. Neither is he fo beloved or 3 ~ . admired of his Saints , as hee - ih ould, wbile-he feemes to !hut up and hide -himfelfe from their · m i feties and futferiRgs ,as one not wel knowing or weighing them: And if he did notprefervea grain· offai~h in: their hearts, to make thi ngs abfent to bee prefent, his delay es \VGuld quite dilhearten: them. But yet Chtifr :will not al-l. On'edayit wayes neglel'l his o·wne glory; thall be nor will ever bee robbed of it: a fuUy rcday -~omes; -wherein he.fhall ap- ~- vealc:d• . peare in furpafibg giory. 1. In 1 , \himftlfe: not•· one1y by -that ex.. ' · , ·( . N ) ·; · t~ rnall '