Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

1 \. chriftl- patience, f.. ternaJJ and accidentall ~lory of I his attendance, and mofi: flOWer- · full manner of appearing,. but by · ~hat internall and perfenall glory whereby bee fh-all obfcure and darken the glory Gfall creatures: A fbadow of which , Peter and John faw in the mount,. when his face dtdfoine 1! the Sunne, ~tnd bu ~~~rment-s were tti the light,. M~tt. :I_ 7·3·not as Mofos;when he-ca'me from the mount' very g-lorious, . fo a-s Ifrael could not behold his face: for that glory was not his owne, but his tords: but Chrifi ·fllall appeare in his owne glory. 2. His glory fball fhine ou~ u11to:. lliidin his Saittts, in manifefl:ingthe power of his mercy as never he did before: v. c. Railing them from the dead by a word, as· La~ :?:.arus. G.iathering them·- to .him- , felfe, as the Eagles to a.' dead· .. body. Eooftng them eternally from all bands oflin and corru-p- ,· tione.Invefiing:themjnfou-le ~nd ,, body_ ~ ·