Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

·, . p·raj fpr the ret·e~ling .Chrifl: cannot expetl die crowne before the Croffe , .no more may wee. 2~ 2. l0oke on thy condition: · thou art a. firat~g<,.r here, .among fl:rangers who know not thy birth from ht>aven, .. nor thy pa- i rents : they know not God thy, \ father,nor his imagepn thee, nor 1 thy mother the Church , _and ·j fpoufe ofChrifl:,. nor thy.. worth I, :through ChrHl:s W{)rthineffe,nor · thy inhe.ritance and exped:ation•... .Bee 'content therefore . as a ~ran- ) ger,in this flrang.~ countrie, '\fith I fl:range. and courfe u!ige : .or,e ly: let it make thee ~ love. thy.owne ! . COUntrie fo ffi:JCh the.better; and .;~ hye thee home where·thou.may • eft expetl better~ 3~ - · 3· It is , gt:ear · reafon, that Chr.i!l:s glory lhould appeare be-- fore ours : the members fhall: thew theiP glory:\, when their head doth: for their glory de. ppnds uppn bis t .Cat, .3, 4·-Wee. · · kno.w:k · ---------------------------~ !t '