Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

\ ofthti glory. . 2 77 know that when Chrift o11r life do1h ;~pp,eare,, w~ !hall alfo appeare with him in glory: but now his glory is hid, and rr.ufi. ours appeare ? In the winter all the fap . life and fruit is hid in-the , roote, and then the tree appeare~ not what it is :,. but the fummer comes, and al l that wa-swithin, appeareth·: fo in this our winter-, though now wee bee die fonnes of God, yet it Rppear-es n()t -what "C-mee ar-e; hut when (hriff foal/ ~p- . 1:_pe~re, -wee foal/ he l1k.; him, 1 Joh~ .- 3 .I. 2. · , · oil. But are .we· not-. now like.. him? Anf. Y·es, there is now a likfnerfe betweene the head and ·members ~·- the- branches mufl have the fame life,fap,andgreen- .neffe in fome~. prop·ortion to the" .f roore : the fpoufe is now fu table to her husband. But, fidl:, th is is a.likeneffe in grace, that is a likeneife .in glory ~ :. ;fecondly,this is in · part ;~