Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Pray fiJr th~ revealing_ r part and itnperfed:ion,that in per• . ,fetliOfl and fttlneffe: thit~Jy,this ·1 is obfnrre and vailed, but tha't maMifefi,and revealed to men and ."ngds. · . 3· · Waite then,. and wifh for this f:rnd day . of the reveJ~rio1·~ of ~hri~ fis , appea- glory, and of thllle 111 hts : for, of I. Chnfr fhaH c~me the focend glory. time tD the fttlv~ttiun of thofe that 1. waite jDr him,Hc6.9.Zl. . 2:·. z. love to Chrifi rh y he'ad ·[new in a farre country will · I make thee long after him: Come , faith the fpoMfe, Oh that I might I come to a fight ofhim wh01n r:tty fc)ttle loveth. This mufi: \Vhet ·thy de!ire ; . that Chrifts gfory may iliil1'e iln that day,yea andenlarged in thy own·e glory 0 · 3· 3· Mall: thou received the firft · fiHit.r of glory? therr thou canfl: not but long for the full harvefl: ~ Rom.8.z 3. Wee that h~tve received ·· the ftrft frnit.r., .fgh' in 1ur ftlve.r, ., -waiting-for.tbe lldoptid11, even the.~ , redemption , : - -----,~·· ,~ ·.: