Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

ofthi; glory. redemption ofour !Jodie s. ~ . 4· Necter was there {o happie 4· and joyfull a day;, wherein, in their head ' an the heads· of the Saints .tball bee lifted n~p into un· conceivable happinelfe ; who {hall fiand a·mazed to r~e their nature fo exalted ia tl<leit head, ' and be f wallowed with unfpeakablejoytofee themfelves, who . ha~ ...e beene by his fir~ appe~ring · iuhumilitie juiHfied;,now by his fecond appeariflg in glory to bee glorified. When the Difciples -faW but a fmall glimpfe· of this glory in the Transfiguration,they were fora:vilhed and tranfported • outofthemfelves t, th;lt they wift , not wht~it they· fliid, L'u~ 9· 3l· How then fhall the whole brightneffe of it fo fwallow up the Saints, asitha<t they fllall ,ever· thinke it go·od·trJ he where Hee is,.. to fee his glory ! Hereby ili.ould wee excite ·our felves, to wHh . fer the long-ed day of our glori..; , ous