Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Prepare for that · ous deli~erance : And . as the: Je\ves, the nearer the day ofJ_ubi ~ e~ came, the ·more the joy of prifoners _and debtors wus increafed; . fo fhouh:l wee lift up our hea-d when the day of our redemption approac·he-th: & as the . bird about to flie. fl:retcheth out the wings, fo iliould w-e.eonr affections and defires .to · heaven \vhere our Lord his dwelling is. r Againe, prepare for this-day: to 1 fiand before the fonue ofman in this glory: L1tk_-e 21; 36.· Watch ~tnd pra1 th11t yu mllJ .bee counted ·""orth] tD e(cape all the(e thing1, and m~} jttlnd hefore the fonwe ·of·- man-. • Q..ueft~ .Ho\v fhould I prepare - . duely ? I. Anf.I.Acquaitittby felfe with thy Judge afore-hand: which is done b-y fai th and·love-: R6m. ~. 2. By faith n'e h~tve 4cceffe~botb here · and hereafcer •· And if love bee . perfed in .us., , wee 1hall _have · , 6tddnt~ .