Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Klorious·comming. holdiuJfe in th·e da1 · 1j J-ndgemcnt, · 1 ]"eh. 4· I 7. Hee that can fland before hisprefence ofgrace,fball ·Hand boldiy before· his prefence ;:of glory.Stand therefore humbly , before him in his Ordinances: : enjoy as much of him tlOW as thou can!t 2. Part from finne : watch againfi it: let the fire of grace cqnfume it. A malefaCtor ' cannot ftand be(ore the Jurlge.Pfoft•S • . The wicked .fuall not flantl" in . juJgement. See efo. 33.14.1 ~· · 3· Get finceritie and upright· neffe ofheatt :-for no hypocrite lhall frand before thofe everlafiing burnings • A fincer~ heart hath this propertie, tofet it felfe before God continually,as a witneffeandJudge: Gen. 1].r ·.Walfe! 6efore mu, and !Jee upright. And that foule that can walke with God here, fhall A:and before,. the glory of his power at that day~ 4·..Get- love o-f. the Saints on earth; \ . 2.8t