Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

4. earth : for the terrour of that day {haU devbur th~ ~dverfoti~, l The f. 1. 6. And C.hrifi: ihall clothe himfelfe with the robes ofglury,to deftroy the defi:royer . out of the earth. Only the Saint~ {hall fl:and before hitn • Stand with themhere,ifthou wouldeft fiand with then1 hereafter: but if here thou wilt !hake hands with finnets, hereafter thou !halt fcarce~ part company. · · Ufo ~; . . lafl:ly? thisglory.ofthe J.udg.e Terror ro ts the greatefl: terrour and tmrhe wicked • ment to the wicked . Oh the by ille .wo.fulJ '~at~ or' fuch perfons, gtorr of w he a the prtfeace ofGod and · · Chnft · · · · ·Chrifr it the greateR torment ! yet ho,v can it be other ? 1 • F0r firfi, the true and proper caufe of perdition is in them- ~-felves , . not in this glory : the wicked mull bee cafr out for his ~alice. They have defpifed -his l humilitie, and were aJbamed of him: & now muft be a{hamed of the1n-