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gloriom comming. z83 themfelves, when hee ihall bee a- ~ fhamed ofthem.They have contemned his foft voice in the Minifiry of the Gofpell, and muG: hear that dreadfull voice to drive them to their wits ends :they have . pierced him with horrible fins,and fhall n0w foe himwhom they h11ve Rev.I.7· pierced., and pierce themfelves with ibame·and ntter·corifufion. · Yea their owne accuftng con,fciences fhaU make them fhrinke and melt as wa-xeat d1-e fire, · and as chaife driven before the tempeil: of his wrath. Thus iliall ail .wicked men and Angells peri.fh lit tht prefo"fe ofGod, Pfnl. 6g .z;· Secondly, as a King fitting in 2: judgement chafetb . a-wt~~y evil/ ~ith hu eJu, Prov .20.8. f@ lhaH they fee the face of this Judge, {et ~rgainflalteviUdoers, I Pet. 3· 12 ; they {hall read revenge in his very eye and vifage: his Jooke lhtll drive them to the hiis, to hjde them they fhall know the wrath