Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

wrath of this King as the VAA.auc::. ; , of a Lyon, to whom Kings ate le!fe than wormes to men : and if the wick.!djlye when nor.e ·purfMeth,. Prov. a8. 1. much more when purfued with fuch wrath and power as this Jndge fhall bee, cloathed with. - Thirdly,as all the pow·er ofthe: cou-ntry attends the Judge to exe-· cute·malefadors, fo Chri!l: hath , '· obtaine~ grtat 'might and kjng- • Jome'to,diflrtiJ the -wick!d,Rtv.t T. · t 7,1 8• fo as his revenge muft be: ' proportionaU to his, power, and; his power iliaH make his procelfe iliort, and his · difpatch fpeedie. A refemblance hereof is · in }IJIJ•. · 18.6. the very word"'ofChrHl:(T am tht man) in.his fl:ate of humiliation cafl: the fl:oute!l: ofhis enemies to the ground : How much more in his glotie, when he {hall be-armed with power and glory to this purpofe ?-G_0 D lliall no fooner arifc,buthis enemies f11all be..