Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Number~fAnge/J. 285 ' befcatterul, they alfo that hate him,fb~tll flf !Jefare him, P{. 68. 2. 0 therefore, confidering thefe ·terrours of the Lord,"What manner of perfrnu ought we. to 6e in all 6oly converflttion l 2 Pet. 3· I 1. If Daniel ( ,chap. 1· I;. ) was fo troubled in his fpirit,and perplexed to fee but in a vifton the ,manaer of Chrifl:s glori0uscomming to judgement, how much more dreadfulllhall the judgement it f:elf be ! when all fecreu {hall be revealed,as packes and farde1s are opened in the market/: Oh ~how care full J.hould v;ee' bee ~f the wares we lay up in our hearts and .confciences, feeing that day lball difclofe the~ to a Judge of fuch rower and glory '1 With hu.Ange!J. The fourth thing conliderable I V· inthe.comming ofChrHl: tojudg- Ad ttetn· f . h' A J h . an s o ment, lS, lS ttenaantJ, t at lS' Chrift in the Angels, ·in whom the glory ~ comn1ing ;and magnificence of his fecond . 1 · to juage· · .appearing . men...r.