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286 Nt~tmberofAn~els. -- - ~ppearing fhall manifell: it felfe. For a$fermerly we have .lhe,wed, that hee is npt fent a-s a Legate with commiffion from the fide of any_e')rthly Menarch,but muft: lhevv himfelfe frow heaven; fo now wee lhall fee, that t_he gloj ry,and fiate wherein hee fuall appea~e, is not fFom earth, but hee !hall bee won4erfu11 in the glory of he~tven : ( Luk.f l, 1 3 .J for hjs guaFd ihall not bee a troope of men,bu~ofAnge1s; noranarmy of earthly war-riours, but of he~tvenly {o¥-Jidiers; nor weake and feeble, foone overcome, but rpightie Angels; or Angels excelling in prrJt?er, Pfol. I o 3 .~o. This . glorious appearing of Chrifi is fhadowed by the comming in of -~ earthly }page~, to hold Affifes, attendeded Wttl:l the h0J1ourable, the Nobl~s, JulHces, and Gentry qf the <;ountrie, ye~ with the High Sij~ri/f'f~ powtir, he~des .an their own follow.er§ and ~etinue i by I ·-----~~-------- --~~~~-~~--~--=-