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Numherof Angels. 2.87 by which great fl:ate and att~n- . dance, they are b.oth hoqo9red i and aided in their fervice, anfl made formidable to adaunt and quell ma1efactors ; as b,ec~mmeth fuch publike minifl:ers of jufl:ice. p Their number,Angel.r., . . I in the plurallnumb(r. , Here 2 Their re~ation, his An- . con- ~ gels. ) 4· things Jider. 3 Theiroffice and mini-1 about the firie itfthe judgement. An~els. 4 How they can come l with llim. For the number: he faith An- r.thenumge!J indefinitely, not one,or two, 1 bher .of c b b fi . . . J t cm. er a rew, ut anum er n~re In tt felfe,becaufe created, but to our apprehen!ion infinite and num- ( bedeffe. Hc6. I 2. 12. the inn~t~Herable compa11y of A11ge1J. And the Scriptu~e~ ex_pr~ife ' th~ir number qy t'h~ grea~~fl:. and ·rottncl.ell: nu~b~rs inu_fe a~oqg men: Jud~ 14. The·Lord comrneth with then- , ) J~nds