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.zSB I h • l 1.. T. e1r relation to I Chrifl. ,How his \Angels: Office ofAngels, fonds of.hu . S~tintJ, that is, holy Angels and men attending him. D11n, 7· l o. Thsufond · thoufondt .minifter Nnto him,and ten th1u[and tboufondJ ftand pcfore him, when the judgeme·nt was fet up. But our Lord fpeakes ofmany more, Mat.z4. when the fonne ofman Jhall come and all hu holj Angels with him; ~1ot a_n'Angel! fuall bee left in heaven, which lhall not come with him. : What a great glory is it, to {ee agreat Prince in the midfl: ofhis whole trained band;& armed w.ith all the pow'er ·ofhis Kingdome? yet all thi~i is but weakndfe to this of Chrifi, 'vho brings the whole hoaft of heaven with him, to ma.ke his throne furpaffing glorious. Next, of the relation, hi& An· gells :how are they hu ? .Anfw.I. By creation' ; 1. by -confirmation in grace -: other fell from him, and became not his; but thefe oy his gra~e cleave for