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ttnd how done. for ever unto him in the·holineffe of the.ir nature. Thirdly ,-Hi& by fpecial.! att~ndanc~ at:JdminiA:rie; hee be1ng Lord of ~he holy An- . ge1s,they are his fubjeets and mi;r, nitl:ers, readie to execute his will. ' oG. They are our Angels, ancl therefore not Chrifb; M11t. 1 8• . I(?. tbeir Angels behold the face · ofthe Father in heaven• . .Anj-w. They are called our Angels, fo farre as appointed our keepers or guardians againfl: "Satan and impure fpirits : but in a-ll this minill:ery_ to -the Church, they are hu Angels ; for they attend us for our heads fake-,and at:.. tend his body which is·himfelfe, Next of their office, and why Chrill: .fhall bring all his Angels t with him. I An[. I. Their minifl:rie ferveth to fet forth the glory of Chrill: the-head. The mofl: potent Monarchs that ev·er were in ·earth, in 0 their j.Their of.i fC"e and miniftrie 1 jn the laft 1 judgment. ' I. I